About Paul Hill

Paul Hill Guitar Teacher And Performer

I began playing classical guitar at an early age, played regularly in rock bands throughout my teenage years, ventured into playing jazz whilst at school and tried to play in as many different types of professional music setting ever since. Throughout all this time, I have always been obsessively passionate about learning to be the best I possibly can be and discovering solutions on how to efficiently achieve this goal.

I live in Norwich, Norfolk (in the UK) and I have always appreciated the fact that Norfolk has been blessed with amazing musical talent. I have played with some incredible, world-class musicians over the years and this has been a major factor in helping me get to where I am today.

The Educational Journey

I have been an international guitar examiner for at least 24 years and I helped with the creation process of many guitar exams. I have also given lectures and seminars at different universities and other educational institutions to rooms full of experienced guitar teachers and examiners, both on the subjects of guitar teaching and playing.

I was the first person to be awarded the FLCM in jazz guitar performance and many of my students over the years are themselves professional guitar teachers and performers. I have always been passionate about both teaching and performing and I feel very fortunate to have always been extremely busy in both areas.

My Current Guitar Work

I play all styles of guitar and I am very busy performing in most musical settings including solo acoustic gigs, my jazz trio and quartet, band work, reading gigs in theatres, recording work, etc..  I am very busy teaching at various educational institutions during the week and I also teach privately via online guitar lessons. Since the covid 19 situation, online teaching has been extremely popular and I currently have no plans of going back to face-to-face guitar lessons at the moment.

The online course platform works incredibly well when presenting my teaching concepts to a larger audience and I love creating content that will truly help guitarists to reach their goals. I also enjoy creating YouTube videos when time permits.

Looking To Learn Guitar Online?

More information regarding online lessons is available at:
Online Guitar Lessons