Guitar Theory And Technique Unlock Your Guitar Fingerboard

Easier Payment Method and Other News

Paul HillGuitar Mastery Online News

New Payment Option

This week, I have added the option to purchase a membership package or upgrade an existing package by making payment directly from the site. By clicking on the drop down box in any of the payment areas, a choice of "Credit / Debit Card" or "Paypal" can be chosen as the payment method.

Credit Card Payments

Secure Payments

Not only is an easier payment method now available, I have also added additional security by implementing SSL certification. SSL is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral.

You can be assured of safe payments as the website address is now (https rather than http). The padlock symbol is also present in the address bar to demonstrate the security of the site.

Padlock Site Address

Summer Practice!

Summer is here and what better way to make the most of your holiday time with some intense practice? If you are a teacher or student and are enjoying the Summer break, now is a great time to boost your guitar playing skills.

There are three packages available on this site. The best value package is the yearly membership, however the three month package is a great option for making the most of any Summer practice time. There is a massive amount of content in the member's area that will keep your brain and fingers busy and improve your guitar playing.

The Latest Content

I am constantly adding content to the member's area. Last week's videos included many ideas including:

  • Open string cascades
  • Economy picked lines
  • Diatonic pentatonic scale units
  • Diad ideas
  • Blues licks
  • Harmonic minor 6ths
  • Chord ideas
  • Diatonic arpeggio ideas

The following example is taken from last week's uploads added to my Youtube channel. If you want to be notified of any videos that are uploaded to YouTube, please subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Notation for this lick can be found on my Free Content page.

That is about all for this blog post apart from me wishing you a great Summer. If you are off on holiday, I hope you have a great time!

See you at a gig soon!


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