Guitar Legato And Finger Tapping Technique

Guitar Legato And Tapping Technique

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Guitar Legato And Tapping Technique For Speedy Licks

What is Legato? 

For a guitarist, legato means to play fluent musical ideas using slur techniques such as hammer-ons, pull-offs and slides which creates smooth-sounding ideas compared to picking techniques.

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Pentatonic Scale Legato Lick

A nice mix of legato and picked notes in this lick. The accentuation of different notes within a legato melodic idea creates punch and results in more interesting phrasing. Experiment with picking different notes within the phrase.

These types of licks are great to add fast and impressive ideas to your guitar solos.

Tapping In Bb Major

Get your tapping licks into gear with this lick example.

Eddie Van Halen was the inspiration for this lick. Playing like Eddie is difficult. Not necessarily due to the speed, but his phrasing was incredible.

Many guitar players tap with mathematical precision. Eddie's phrasing would flow magically over the beat and create beautiful-sounding musical ideas.

Guitar Tapping D And A Triad Inversions

Various inversions played on all top three strings will give your brain and hands a good workout.

These basic triad shapes can be moved to any string relatively easily and can be applied to many chord progressions.

Tapping And Legato Sequence

This lick combines a standard legato sequence with the same sequence played wider apart using finger tapping technique.

This lick moves nicely along the guitar fretboard and can easily be extended to cover more ground.

Tapping Arpeggios In D Major

A nice little chromatically descending phrase has been incorporated into this idea.

I have heard many guitar players use this idea. The main two guitarists who spring to mind are Eddie Van Halen and Yngwie Malmsteen, although many other players have used it.

Chromatic Phrasing

Stretching with power is the name of the game with this lick. Quite a tricky idea to play up to tempo and retain the volume of all the notes.

This lick will definitely give your fretting hand a great legato workout!

Melodic minor mode 6 pentatonic Over A7

There are many scale choices for playing over dominant 7th chords. Genre and the situation will tell you which scale sounds are appropriate, although this pentatonic scale taken from mode 6 of the melodic minor scale will probably give you a new sound you haven't tried before.

A bit of an unorthodox fingering, so your fingers might take time to adapt to this one.

Legato Phrasing Lydian Lick

Lydian is always a fun scale sound. This lick can be used for any mode of Bb major scale, although I have chosen to use it over an Eb Lydian chord progression.

To practise Lydian mode in all 12 keys, check out my Lydian Backing Track In All 12 Keys video.

Exotic Phrasing Guitar Lick

Exotic-sounding scales are fun. The dominant 7th chord opens itself to many melodic possibilities and I will often experiment with more unorthodox sounds over dominant 7th chords.

This lick uses an exotc pentatonic scale for a cool effect.

Lydian Arpeggio Sequence

This lick is not in itself specifically Lydian as it is a plain and simple maj7 arpeggio. What makes the lick Lydian is the chords it is being played over.

Try the lick over my Lydian Backing Track In All 12 Keys video and move it to all possible keys.

A7 Arpeggio Hammer Ons And Pull Offs

You should find plenty of uses for this arpeggio lick.

Dominant 7th chords are extremely common and there are many opportunities to experiment with using arpeggio runs such as this lick over static, funky chord vamps.

A Major Scale Pull Off Lick

Pull-offs are used throughout this lick, so your left hand will get a good workout.

This pattern can be used with any scale type and provides great phrasing, just by playing the idea as it is.

Phrasing Using Bends Guitar Lick

This quirky lick requires good fretting hand strength. Be sure to bend the notes accurately to the correct pitch. You may find this difficult to achieve at first.

I used this lick over a Lydian chord idea, so it is another good candidate for my Lydian Backing Track In All 12 Keys video.

D Major Pentatonic Scale Legato Run

This guitar lick is rather tricky and a few legato ideas are incorporated into the idea.

This is a very jolly and happy-sounding lick, so make good use of this one over straightforward, major-scale chord progressions.

5s Sequence Guitar Lick

More hammer-on and pull-off action with this legato lick played in rhythmic subdivisions of 5 notes.

5 notes played rhythmically in groups of 5 notes is an easy way into feeling this interesting rhythmic subdivision.

7s Sequence Guitar Lick

This lick features 7-note groups.

Unlike the previous example, this lick features a polyrhythm. The 7-note groups are played in semiquavers for phrasing interest.

Guitar Quintuplet Legato Lick

Groups of 5 anyone?

Mix your phrasing up with this lick and break away from traditional note subdivisions of 3 and 4. Quintuplets are difficult to feel if you are new to the concept, although well worth the practice time.

Three Finger Tapping Lick

Most guitarists tap using one finger. You have more than one finger on your picking hand, so why not invite them to the party?

It does take a bit of work getting your fretting hand fingers to cooperate, but using them will inspire many new ideas.

Two Finger Tapping Lick

You are tapping and sliding for this lick. The lick uses two fingers to tap, and the included slide will help strengthen your fingers and help you gain control. Or wear them out...

Two Finger Tapping Exercise

As the title suggests, this is more of an exercise to get your hand strength up and inspire new tapping sequences.

It is another multi-finger tapping idea and there are subtleties within the pattern.

Three Finger Tapping Lick Over E7

This lick is rather tricky. Many different ideas have been combined to create this long, intervallicly interesting line.

Once again, you will need to use three fingers for this finger-tapping idea and the multiple shifts in positions will probably cause you a few problems. Good luck!

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