Guitar Posture Solutions

Guitar Posture Causing Back Problems?

Paul HillGuitar Lessons And Guitar Gear Leave a Comment

Guitar Posture - Electric Guitar

Guitar posture is extremely important when playing the guitar, especially whilst sitting down with an electric guitar. It is impossible to achieve perfect posture with any type of guitar as whilst standing, there will be weight on your spine and when sitting, your body will be twisted.

I have experienced many back problems over the years due to lengthy guitar playing sessions. Whether teaching or practising guitar for long hours, unnatural posture has not been good for my body, especially my back.

Bad Guitar Posture Solutions

Exercise has always been a successful fix for any back problems I have experienced over the years. Lockdowns due to the covid pandemic and long periods of sitting recently brought back problems to a new level for me, and I suffered a severe low back problem that left me unable to support my own body weight.

Online physio sessions and a back recovery exercise plan has thankfully fixed my recent back problem, although bad posture due to playing the guitar had me once again searching for a long term solution to avoid future problems.

The K&M Guitar Performer Stand (14760) is my latest purchase and I now use this stand whenever teaching in schools or working on guitar ideas in my studio. Bad posture can be virtually eliminated with this new piece of gear. Check out my review of the K&M guitar performer stand on YouTube.

Back Problem Fixed

As you will see in the video, I am very happy with the K&M guitar performer stand and I am confident that future back issues caused by bad posture can be avoided by using the stand.

Back health when playing guitar is often overlooked until it is too late. I wish I had discovered the K&M guitar performer stand earlier as it would have saved many periods of back pain.

I love gadgets and I have purchased quite a few back recovery tools over the years. Prevention is certainly better than a cure, so hopefully I will be forever pain free from now on.

Fancy Some Free Guitar Lesson Packs?

I created a variety of free lesson packs a while ago. If you would like me to send you the free guitar lesson packs, enter your name and email address into the form below and I will send you some great little study packs including ideas for guitar solos, bass lines and chords, along with backing tracks to help you learn the parts.

The guitar lesson packs are great stand alone study aids. They also give practical examples for concepts learnt from Mastering Chords And Chord Substitution.

Free Guitar Lesson Packs

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