Guitar Pro 8 Command Palette

Guitar Pro 8 Command Palette

Paul HillGuitar Pro And Other Software For Guitarists


Guitar Pro 8 Command Palette

Have you discovered the new Command Palette feature in Guitar Pro 8? If not, this is one feature that you need to use!

The Command Palette allows you to quickly enter many editing commands, use patterns to add more complex edits and will supercharge your editing speed once you understand how it works.

If you would rather read than watch, I have included a video transcript below with screenshots to help you understand how to use the Command Palette in Guitar Pro 8.

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How To Use The Command Palette In Guitar Pro 8

In this video, I will show you one of the most useful features in Guitar Pro 8 that you may not be aware of.

The Command Pallette is a new feature to Guitar Pro 8 which allows you to use command lines to edit or modify the score easily. There are some hidden features within the command palette that will save you a great deal of time and you will wish you had discovered this hidden gem before. There is one specific command that has made a previously time-consuming and annoying task achievable almost instantaneously, so stay tuned!

The Command Palette can be opened via the Tools menu, although getting to know the keyboard shortcut of command E on a Mac is essential.

Guitar Pro 8 Open Command Palette
The prompt tells you that by typing “?”, you can see the command list. You can scroll up and down to see the list of commands or start typing to search for a specific command. If I start typing “add” for example, the add bar command appears. Press enter to select, or better still, hit the tab key as additional options are sometimes shown that you will not see when hitting enter.
Guitar Pro 8 Adding Bars
Type the number of bars and they will be added to the score.

If you type the “@” symbol, you will see the action list and if you type “>”, you will see the expression list. You can also navigate to these lists directly by hitting option command E to show the action List and shift command E to show the Expression Text.

A good example of why you should use the tab key is if I hit shift command E to show the Expression Text and select a chord. If I select “D” and press enter, a D chord appears on the score.

Guitar Pro 8 Add D Chord
If I hit shift command E, scroll to the “D” chord and hit the tab key, you will see further possibilities. I can select Dm, press tab again and select a bass note. Hitting enter adds the chord to the score.
Guitar Pro 8 Advanced Chord Editing
At this point, you might be thinking “Sure, but I can do these things with other keyboard shortcuts”. To add a chord, for instance, you can simply hit the “a” key and the chord entry box appears, giving you many more options.

I will show you the real power of the Command Pallette in a bit, but so far it is useful for speeding up the entry of some commands and searching for commands you cannot easily find.

To navigate the score, you can easily use your mouse to move to the bar you need to edit and click. If you know that you need to navigate quickly to bar 27 for instance, hit command E, type colon and 27. Voila! You are now at bar 27.

Guitar Pro 8 Go To Bar Number

Want to delete something? Hit option command E, type “del” and you will see the available options.

Guitar Pro 8 Delete Bars
Want to export the file as a pdf? Hit option command E, type “pdf” and hit enter.
Guitar Pro 8 Export Pdf

Once again, you might be thinking “Yes, but I can do this via the main menu”. So let’s get to an example that will show you the more powerful and time-saving features.

If you want to indicate the picking direction for a phrase, it takes quite a bit of time to enter the picking direction of every single note.

In this example, a seven-note idea is repeated and I would like to indicate the picking direction.

Guitar Pro 8 7-Note Pattern
Rather than editing every single note, I can use the command palette. I will highlight the notes to which I would like to apply the picking direction and hit command E. I will type “pick” and select the pick stroke option.
Guitar Pro 8 Pick Stroke Option
“d” is a downstroke and “u” is an upstroke. If I now type “duududu”, you can see the pattern repeats for the entire selection. I can leave spaces if I do not want the pick directions on certain notes. Hit enter and the picking direction pattern is applied.
Guitar Pro 8 Picking Direction Applied
There are many pattern possibilities that will save you time. For example, hit command E and type “brush” to access strumming direction to easily enter chord strumming symbols. If I select the open D and A chords in these two bars, hit command E and type brush, I can then type “duuduu” to apply the strumming pattern. This command ignores the rests and applies the strumming pattern to the chords only.
Guitar Pro 8 Strumming Patterns

I hope you can see the power of the Command Palette. As with any tool, there are times when the Command Palette will be quicker and times when regular keyboard shortcuts will be the better choice. Dive in and experiment to see how the Command Palette works for you and let me know in the comments if you have any favourite commands.

I hope this video has helped you speed up using Guitar Pro 8. If you did enjoy this video, please give it a like and hit that subscribe button so you don’t miss out on more helpful videos. Bye for now.


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