Welcome to the updated site
Guitar Teaching Videos Now Available!
The Paul Hill Guitar Theory and Technique Book has been available from the iTunes store for a while and I had planned to make the book available in other formats at some point. Video tuition is another area that I have been dabbling with for the past few years and these two areas have now fused together resulting in the latest update to this site. Guitar teaching videos are now included!
By subscribing to this site, the Paul Hill Guitar Theory and Technique Book can be read as it looks in iBooks with teaching videos to support all the concepts presented. I have set aside time each week to record new videos and have many ideas for future videos.
In addition to supporting concepts from the book, licks and ideas in all styles will be regularly added to the collection of teaching videos. The emphasise will always be on understanding what you are playing so that anything learnt can be added to your vocabulary and available to use in a different context. Without understating what you are playing, licks and techniques are pretty useless as they cannot be used to their full potential.
Subscribe and Learn
Three subscription levels are available:
1 Month Membership - £9.99
3 Month Membership - £19.99
1 Year Membership - £59.99 - 1 Year: This is the best value package as new videos are constantly being added.
If you have already purchased the Paul Hill Guitar Theory and Technique Book from the iTunes store, enter the last chord named in the Chord Substitution chapter as your discount code to receive £10 discount on the yearly membership.
So what are you waiting for? Stop wasting years in learning scale, chord and arpeggio shapes parrot fashioned, and start to truly understand the guitar fingerboard. It is actually a very easy instrument on which to generate all the scales, chords and arpeggios once you understand how it all works.
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