85 - 87 Minor Ii V I Guitar Licks

Minor ii v i Guitar Licks

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Minor ii v i Guitar Licks For Your Repertoire

Minor ii v i and regular ii v i guitar licks are so important to learn as the ii v i chord progression is such a commonly played chord progression.

Most people will think 'jazz' when any sort of ii v i chord progression is mentioned, although the ii v i is common in many styles of music. Many pop songs contain this popular chord progression, so the harmony is not an overly complicated one to master. The licks presented here are, however, quite intricate. If you are able to use these types of complex licks in your improvised solos, you should have no problem dealing with these chord progressions when playing pop songs.

What Is A ii v i Chord Progession?

The term ii v i simply refers to chords built on the scale's 2nd, 5th and 1st notes. A major ii v i uses chords contained within the major scale and the minor ii v i uses chords contained within the harmonic minor scale.

In a C major scale, for example, the second note of the scale is a D note, the fifth note of the scale is a G note and the first note of the scale is a C note. The chords built on these scale notes are Dm7, G7 and Cmaj7.

In a C harmonic minor scale, the second note of the scale is also a D note, the fifth note of the scale is a G note and the first note of the scale is a C note. The chords built on these scale notes are Dm7b5, G7 and Cm.

We now have two different chord progressions.

The Major ii v i Chord Progression

|| Dm7 G7 | Cmaj7 ||

The Minor ii v i Chord Progression

|| Dm7b5 G7 | Cm ||
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Minor ii v i Guitar Lick In A Minor

A nice little 5 note melodic sequence is the basis of this minor ii v i guitar lick.

There are a few melodic jumps to deal with which might be a challenge for your picking hand, but if you have learnt last week's tricky octave displacement harmonic minor licks, this lick should fit right under your fingers.

ii v i In C Minor Guitar Lick

This lick is another fiddly idea containing some large intervallic jumps.

A few slurs are included in the form of slides and pull-offs to help with phrasing, although you can certainly add in plenty more slurs where you feel they would be appropriate.

Minor ii v i In G Minor Guitar Lick

This minor ii v i guitar lick is not as jumpy as the previous two examples, although there is still intervallic interest built into the lick.

There is a nice melodic contour in this idea as it rises and falls pleasingly. Melodic contour is something to think about when constructing your own musical phrases and ideas.

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