67 - 69 Mixolydian Guitar Licks

Mixolydian Guitar Licks

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More Mixolydian Guitar Licks For Dominant 7th Chords

Dominant 7th chords are a very common chord type and the mixolydian mode is an essential scale guitarists must master. There are many types of scale that can be played over dominant 7th chords, although the mixolydian mode is the basic sound that needs to be learnt before venturing on to more exotic or tension creating scale types.

Various improvisational tools including melodic sequences and the addition of chromatic notes have been used to create melodic interest with these mixolydian mode guitar licks.

What Is Mixolydian Mode?

The mixolydian mode is mode 5 of the major scale. This simply means that a mixolydian mode uses the same fingering as a major scale, although the root note of the mixolydian mode is the 5th note of the major scale.

An example would be G mixolydian mode. The notes in G mixolydian are exactly the same as the notes in C major scale. The only difference is that the G note is the root note of the mode.

You could simply play a C major scale fingering over a G bass note or G7 chord and the sound will be G mixolydian. The melodic function of each note will be different. A good example of this is the C note. When playing the C major scale, the C note is the most consonant sounding note. The C note played over a G7 chord is the note that creates the most tension against the chord.

When playing a mixolydian mode, you need to know how each note sounds against the root note. The difference between a G mixolydian mode and a G major scale is that the G major scale contains a natural 7th (B note) and a G mixolydian mode contains a b7th (Bb note).

It is helpful to think of the 'parent' major scale (C major scale for G mixolydian mode) when improvising as all the 'stuff' from the C major scale can be used over the G mixolydian mode. All the 'stuff' will sound different, but the fingerings will all be the same.

If you would like to receive an analysis of all these licks, sign up to my newsletter below. Each week, I send an email which takes a deeper dive into these guitar licks. These weekly free guitar teaching emails will help you to understand your guitar fingerboard and will give you ideas to create licks of your own.

E Mixolydian 7 Note Sequence Guitar Lick

Sequences are so important when learning to improvise on the guitar. If you analyse many of the great improvised solos played on guitar or any other instrument, you will find an abundance of melodic sequences.

I love sequences containing an odd number of notes. This 7 note Mixolydian melodic sequence can be used with any scale. 7 notes in a sequence sounds great as this creates melodic interest.

G7 Mixolydian With Chromatics Guitar Lick

This Mixolydian guitar lick will give you a good picking workout. Chromatic notes have been included to once again create melodic interest.

To me, playing chromatically is simply a case of 'filling up the holes' when playing scales. Use your ears to find out what sounds good and go with it!

E7 Open String Chord Lick

Although technically not a Mixolydian guitar lick, this idea is played over an E7 chord. Chromatic notes have once again been added (filling up the holes again) to create interest.

This lick outlines an E7 chord quite nicely and you can employ as much over ringing (notes ringing together) as you want. Open strings allow you to do this, so use your ears to add as much of this effect as you choose when playing this type of chord idea.

Learn How To Hear The Mixolydian Mode And All Scales For Free

My free ear training mini course will help you train your ears so you can recognise the sound of the mixolydian mode, or any scale.
Signing up to my weekly newsletter at the top of the page also gives you access to my free guitar study packs. These are great little free guitar lessons!
Learn The Mixolydian Mode And Other Guitar Scales

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